Tuesday, 29 September 2009


Welcome to Longleat Safari Park. I'm Mrs. Pelican.

My hair is done in this autumn's hottest style, as you can see.

Now, I am actually a Pink-backed pelican, to be exact. See?

No? Okey. Hang on. Can you see the pink now? They should have named us pink under-winged pelican, really.

Anyway, let me introduce some of my fellow creatures here in Longleat.

First, there are the wallabies.

Oh my, I think she's rolling her eyes at me.

Oh well, that's Australians for you. Let's introduce the birds first. There's guinea fowl.

Pretty, eh?

White-backed vulture. There is actually a whole venue of them (venue being the collective word for a group of vultures - except when they are circling in the air and they are called a kettle of vultures!)

The rest of the birds in the area are endemic to Britain. We'll come back to them later.
Moving on, we have warthogs...

Everyone seems a little sleepy at mid-day.

...screaming camels...

...calm camels...

Camels looking at....

...a rhinoceros.

Then there's the tigers...

...and the lions. Lions are by far the most relaxed animals I know. Easy for them to be relaxed as they don't have any natural predators!

Roll on good times...

Now, this one is just showing off.

There are two prides in Longleat in two separate enclosures. Let's see if the other pride is more active.

Hmmm, well, I guess one could say so. Swiftly moving on, here are the birds I mentioned earlier. A swan in flight.

Great crested grebe.

Grey heron.

And another swan.

There are a few others still... hold on...

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