This lovely day started with a walk at Devil's Dyke.

Afternoon, one wistful doggie looking on while we had our lunch...

After lunch we happened to walk past a church that advertised on the street: "Come and have a look at a beautiful Grade I listed building". So we did.

Clearly a place to go back to with a tripod!

At 5 PM we were on our way back to The Chattri Memorial...

... and arrived a few minutes later to see what
Red Earth were going to do there today. First, some random people (it seemed) laid handmade candle holders around the poppy wreaths.

Apparently Red Earth were "activating the chattri", or something.... ;-)
(Two men are blowing into seashells in this photo.)

We were all to take part, not just watch. So there was walking around the chattri...

...lots of banging and bashing with cymbals...

...and hokus pokus...

They even had horns.

A random participant.

Then, singer Nina Virdee was led to the chattri through an alley of fire.

There she is, singing.

A statuesque hand held in the air.

Then, there was some more percussion action...

...which was followed by a travelling bright light!

...and next, the whole site was ablaze!
I don't do the "sacred ritual" justice with my commentary, but I'm afraid I can't, as I have never experienced anything supernatural in my life, and that includes whatever supernatural things are taught by any religion in the world, as well as any "unregistered" spiritualisms. Nevertheless, this Red Earth installation/ritual was very enjoyable to see and experience. Lucky we decided to go and see The Chattri this weekend!