I'm trying! Ha. About 11.45 pm I realised I haven't taken a photo today. So here's my desperate attempt to come up with something worth looking at... These are just some of my props that I bought the other day. The theme, I thought, would be something like "shades and jewellery at the ready - where's the party!?". (Well, basically, I just tried lighting the black perplex sheet with some items on it ;-).
If some of you my dear regular or irregular photo blog followers have a spare moment and can be arsed, can you please let me know which photo you like the most? (If any... I'm not sure if they are all crap.) The winner will be uploaded to Flickr in my "Photo a day challenge" set.




That perspex sheet works really well!
I think I like the general composition of #2 the best, but the shades and pearls are a bit underexposed. So maybe #1? Or perhaps #3?
LOVE #1: Lighting, reflection, angle, composition. In addition to the above, the pearls visually go better with the sunglasses than the earrings. Very Audrey Hepburn.
Kolmas kuva on minusta tosi hieno. Korvakorut heijastuu upeasti linssistä.
#3 is hands-down my favorite. :) Composition and reflection are perfect, in my opinion. Your talent is bursting at the seams, Kati!
Thank you all for your expert advice! :)
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