Saw some fabulous clouds on the way.

And ended up in Beachy Head. Zed looking at the lighthouse (I presume... although more likely a bird or a bunny...).

From there my plan was to take the bus back to Birling Gap, but upon checking the time table at the bus stop, I discovered that there is no bus service on the coastal road other than in the summer! I was tired from the walk up and down The Downs and really didn't feel like walking another 45 minutes straight back, so I decided to try and hitch-hike. A few cars went past and judging by the looks on the drivers' faces, I wasn't likely to get a lift with my bouncy dog in tow. One elderly driver almost drove into the gutter while gawking at me with my thumb up looking desperate by the road. As if she'd never heard of hitch-hikers! Or never seen one, anyway. I gave up fairly quickly and decided to go and have lunch at the Beachy Head pub to rest and gather energy for the walk back. Turned out it was a wise choice, as dark clouds were forming and it wasn't long till the heavens opened. It was cold and windy and wet. Yuck.
1.5 hours later, the rain had just stopped and there was clear sky in sight, so we started our hike back to the car.

Went past the lighthouse again.

I think this lighthouse it quite cute with its windows.

...then some fields...

Finally we were back at Birling Gap. Knackered. My nice little walk had turned into 3 hours, including lunch break. Zebedee wasn't complaining.

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