"Look, I've got teeth!"

The puppies are kept in this crate for the time being. As soon as they can walk about more, they are moved to a bigger crate with separate play and toilet areas (apart from the "nest"), so they should be pretty much paper trained by the time I get mine.

"Pick me next!"

Mum Molly didn't really want to feed the babies for long... And I can't say that I blame her, now that the eager puppies have those little sharp teeth!

After about an hour, it was their feeding time (they have started to eat puppy porridge a week ago, twice a day). Great mayhem ensued.

...after which, within a couple of minutes, everything went quiet all of a sudden while I was talking to the breeder, and when I looked around, they were all asleep in a big pile of puppies in the corner of the den!

OMG .. I think I smell puppy breath! I looooooove puppy breath. :)
Absolutely phenomenal, Kati. And I'm betting you'll know those teeth quite well very soon. haha. Puppies are awesome and I'm so glad that your life is going so well with Miles.
Do you have a name for the puppy yet? You may've mentioned it, but my memory sucks these days.
Too cute. Puppy life. Play, eat, crash. Awesome.
Ihanan suloisia pentuja! Meilläkin on vähän samanlaista koiranpentukuumetta. Odotellaan viestiä kasvattajalta, toiset pennut ovat jo syntyneet, toisia odotellaan vielä.
Tämä blogijuttuhan vaikuttaa kiinnostavalta, täytyy lisätä suosikkeihin, että muistan käydä vilkaisemassa silloin tällöin.
Hienoja kuvia!!!
Kuulumisiin, Sirkku
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