A couple of weeks ago we came across Teddy (and Roz) at Stanmer Park, and as Zebedee and Teddy were having such great time playing together, I asked Roz whether we could meet up again some time. And today we did. Here they are scampering together in the woods.

It's funny how sometimes puppies look like puppies, but sometime you can catch them looking very much like adult dogs. Like here:

And the next second they look like puppies again.

Zed was being a little too "assertive" at times today when the two were play fighting. Most likely due to the fact that he didn't get a proper long walk yesterday, and he was frustrated and full of repressed energy. Or he just took a revenge on me for not giving him his daily quota of outdoor exercise yesterday.

Not that Teddy minded Zebedee's rough play. He just ran back for more time after time. Mostly they played nicely, though.

Teddy had the cheek to go and pick up Zebedee's ball, so he really wasn't intimidated by Zed's bossing around.

...although he wasn't so sure anymore when he saw that Zed had noticed what he'd done...!

Haha, what a cute little doggie. Just look at this silly face, caught mid-run.

We hope to see Teddy again soon. :-)

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