Monday 10 May 2010

Now we know who Tigger is

I have been talking about Tigger with Miles for months, perhaps almost a year. Now we know who he is!

We went to see a litter of seven springer puppies for the second time today. This time they were big enough for us to choose one dog (out of three). And here he is - meet Tigger! A gorgeous, inquisitive, waggy-tailed little five week old English Springer Spaniel.

These were about the only two photos where Tigger was still enough for an un-blurred photo. Most of the time he was exploring the room, biting our fingers, chasing his mummy for a sneaky suck of milk, springing onto a cushion, etc. etc. and whatever he was doing, wagging his tail a lot while doing it. It may be a sign of terrific mayhem to come, but I guess we like that. Or we are just plain crazy. Whichever it is, we can hardly wait to get him home in two weeks' time!
(both photos taken by Miles)

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