Thursday 20 May 2010

Last bluebells of this spring

We have some bluebells in our little garden. I know I wasn't going to take any bluebell shots this year unless I found a new way of taking photos of them, but I can't resist them, ok? At least I'm taking the photos with a lense I haven't used much, the Canon 50mm f/1.4, fully open.

I am actually in danger of falling in love with this lense. The bokeh is so beautiful! This lense makes even our bird feeder look good!

There was a cute little dog in the garden, too - keeping an eye on the birds and the cats of the neighbourhood.

I went to Stanmer Park again with Zebedee, as I wanted to get a video walking through the bluebell-covered woods for a friend in the US. First, though, the last of blossoms.

And some new leaves. I used one of a few free Lightroom templates I found in Harold Lloyd's blog on this photo.

And then onto Blubells!

Another of Harold Lloyd's Lightroom templates.

Zebedee has started to get himself into most my photos even more than before. He sees that I have stopped to take photos and it doesn't take long for him to get right in front of my field of vision.

Sometimes he really makes me laugh... like this time: I was taking photos of the bluebells with my long 400mm lense, pointing it at some particular flowers about three metres away from me.

Shooting away...

And suddenly this appears in my viewfinder!

How does he know exactly which flowers I'm shooting?! Sometimes Zebedee comes over and eats the flowers I'm shooting, but this time he decided to sit on them.

I think it's his way of saying "Stop taking photos and let's continue our walk!" Funny dog.

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