Another walk by the sea today. Strangely our walks have been to the harbour recently... can't resist going out there in this high wind we've been having lately and watching the stormy sea. The sea looks calm in this one, but it's only because I took the photo from the safe side of the wave breaker, plus it was low tide.
Started packing for my house move today. Lots to do!
High tide was quite late today and it was already getting dark, but I went back to the harbour to take some more shots of the stormy sea. Sadly the photos don't do much justice to the experience of standing in the heavy sea breeze, trying to steady yourself with the long, heavy lense while watching this beautiful, powerful sea. Here are a couple of shots, nevertheless.
Quite windy again today... sadly I missed the highest winds at the harbour the other day. Perhaps there is still hope for getting high winds before I move....?
It was so stormy by the sea today that I couldn't help but giggle while watching the waves and trying to walk against the wind. What a shame it was low tide - otherwise I would have been able to capture some seriously high spray against the lighthouse.
I thought I'd try something extra for one of the photos above... this is the second time I've decided to try using a texture! Some people create wonderful imagery with textures, so I'm thinking I should experiment more with overlaying multiple images. Anyway, here's today's little experiment:
Feel free to let me know what you think. Both negative and positive impressions equally welcome!
I did a wedding shoot today as the second photographer for a friend through Flickr. The wedding was in a beautiful setting in Hampsire, but the weather and light could have been better... But it didn't matter, as the couple were absolutely lovely, and Andy was a joy to work with. Here are some of my shots:
I thought I'd take some photos in Newhaven before I move to Brighton and leave these areas, these beautiful seaside locations. This is what the sea looked like this evening.