I was still half asleep so I wasn't quite aware of the fact that I was watching a sunrise, but as soon as I realised that I was, I got out of the bed and grabbed my camera.

I'm glad I did, as I really was only half conscious while I took these photos... and then went back to bed and fell asleep. And it's only afterwards, when I woke up properly, that I saw what I had taken photos of.

We got up at about 11, by which time it was daylight, of course.

The last photo from our hotel window...

We had just time to drive to Sausalito before heading off to SFO airport for a first flight on our way back to the UK. Sadly, I didn't do my research beforehand, so we didn't know exactly where the best part of Sausalito was, and ended up having our lunch without being next to the harbour and without overlooking San Francisco skyline. So... here is just a random dog being petted by an upside-down woman.

After lunch we did drive through the area where we should have had our lunch, and saw SF skyline and Alcatraz in front of Bay Bridge.

...and pelicans... Sadly, this is the best photo I got of pelicans during the whole trip. Oh, well.

So, here's a pelican I took a photo of in the Galapagos Islands in 2000. God, I wish I could go there again now that I know a little more about photography!

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