And anemones. I'm uploading this boring photo just because it's the first time I've seen these flowers in England and I think they are anemones, and I think they might be 'valkovuokko' in Finnish. (Yes, looks like it: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Anemone_nemorosa, http://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/valkovuokko)

These unfolding fronds made me immediately think of sansai udon... They resemble a plant that I once went hunting for in Japan for a sansai udon a friend of mine was going to cook for us.

A single bluebell in amongst the moss. Still just a bud, though.

And this is what you see on the way back to the car park.

These must be the next ones to blossom!

Ai, ei nuo siniset olekaan helmililjoja...
Olisikohan Englanninsinililja. Suomessa viljeltävät sinililjat ovat hieman eri näköisiä, luultavasti jalostettuja. Jossain sanottiin olevan ent. nimeltä scilla. Mmmolla oli vissiinkin jotain sinililjoja pihassa, muistelen että puhui joskus scilloista.
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