The latest Zebedee news are:
1) On Sunday I noticed that his front teeth are loose! He is starting to lose his milk teeth. I thought it was funny that the front teeth come out first, just like on humans. Can't wait to see him looking like a 6-year-old human kid with missing front teeth.
2) Last Friday we made it to puppy school (we missed the first week as I had to sort out some product photos urgently). Zebedee can already do most things they teach there, but still, it is good to see some training tips performed live in action. And the puppies get plenty of chance to play with each other, and get used to new people, small and large, short and tall.
3) We have ditched the puppy collar and lead and started using an adult collar. 'Cause he just keeps on growing!
He is just beautiful, Kati. :)
I remember eons ago when you said (to us dog owners) that if you had a dog you would be photographing it every single day. Looks like you were telling the truth. ;)
I'm so glad you and Zeb found each other!
Hey Kip,
I don't remember having said that! Apparently I know myself better than I realise. ;)
I do take a lot of photos of him. He is so insanely cute. :) It's easy to forget to take photos of other things, though. I was just thinking today that I should make an effort to take other kind of photos, too. Aim to get one good photo a day, or something like that. I will start tomorrow. Will most likely miss a day here and there, but I will try to get one a day.
Thanks for the comment, Kipster. :)
Beautiful photos of a very sweet subject!
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