Wow, that is tough! He is sooooo cute. :) I think I'd choose #4 because it seems to have the best eye contact with the viewer. They are all awesome, Kati!
But I don't know. Maybe #1. I really can't choose. I feel like his back end looks a little awkward in the shot. Like it pulls my attention away, you know? Hm. I'm torn!
Meinasitko, että tämä olisi meille muille sen helpompaa!?! Onpas hän söpö!! Miten sulla on aina näin ylisöpöjä hauvoja? Niin, no nehän sanovat, että koirat ja emännät muistuttavat toisiansa.. :) Päädyn ykköseen..
Thanks, everyone! I ended up using #1 for a poster advertising pet portraits, and got two customers so far... and a few more to follow in January. Good fun!
I think number three is the cutest.
Wow, that is tough! He is sooooo cute. :) I think I'd choose #4 because it seems to have the best eye contact with the viewer. They are all awesome, Kati!
But I don't know. Maybe #1. I really can't choose. I feel like his back end looks a little awkward in the shot. Like it pulls my attention away, you know? Hm. I'm torn!
Kääk, ei näytä kovin innostuneelta, mutta lähden komppaamaan aiempaa, eli kolmas on hyvä! ;)
I'm going to say #1. He has that "I've been good Santa" look.
I like number 2. He looks a bit shy and because of that adorable!
Hands down, #1. It grabs at me the most. That's a big compliment coming from me :D ~Sandy
Meinasitko, että tämä olisi meille muille sen helpompaa!?! Onpas hän söpö!! Miten sulla on aina näin ylisöpöjä hauvoja? Niin, no nehän sanovat, että koirat ja emännät muistuttavat toisiansa.. :) Päädyn ykköseen..
I like pic #4 instead.
Thanks, everyone! I ended up using #1 for a poster advertising pet portraits, and got two customers so far... and a few more to follow in January. Good fun!
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